Sunday, May 14, 2017

Diet Plan for Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) for Vegetarians

Here's my current diet plan that I've been following more or less since July 2016.

Morning: Tea - Chamomile/ Jasmine/ Indian Masala Chai - with some milk with no sugar.

Breakfast: (around 8:30 AM) 2 Egg Omlette with a lot of vegetables - Tomatoes, Green Pepper, Cilantro, Cheese, Onion, Mushrooms, Spinach etc. I experiment with different Cheese options - Feta Cheese, Shredded 3 Cheese etc.

I usually don't eat any bread or fruits or milk at all in the morning.

Before lunch : Chamomile Tea with no milk. You can use Half & Half as it is extremely low in carbs.

Lunch: Salads - There are many options at pretty much any restaurant or grocery stores- just minimize sweet dressings. If you are buying packaged salads from grocery store -make sure to read the amount of Carbohydrate in them.

Post Lunch: Any teas/ coffees with no milk. I also have String Cheese Sticks 3-4 a few times a week. String Cheese serve two purposes -
1. They have about 7-8 gms of protein per stick: It's hard on Low Carb diet to get sufficient amount of protein to stay healthy. So this is a good way to get necessary protein.
2. Helps you satisfy the afternoon hunger / craving to eat something.

Dinner: I fill my plate with entrees avoiding those vegetables with high carbohydrate - e.g. potatoes, corn, taro etc. I have carbs in form of bread or rice. However I make sure I don't take more than 1 bread or a small cup of rice. I pace myself in finish the bread or rice to make sure it lasts till I finish my entrees. That way I don't have craving for more bread/rice.

Drinks: I don't drink any juices. Juices are loaded with sugar. I enjoy alcohol in moderation. Whiskies have Zero Carbs so as long as you don't sweeten them, they don't hurt your LCHF diet. Red and White wines have 2-4 carbs each, and if you like wines, you can keep enjoying them.

Deserts/Cookies/Sweet Treats: I'd always loved sweet treats - ice creams, chocolate chip cookies, indian sweets and other desserts. I still enjoy them but the big difference is I have them in moderation. I don't try to force myself not to have them completely. My experience has been that if you are too hard on yourself, you may be able to follow the diet for some time. However ultimately, you will not be able to sustain it. Your goal is to have a lifestyle change where you enjoy things that you like while getting to a good health.

Fruits: Think of fruits as nature's desserts. Most fruits have lot of sugars and have very high carbohydrate content. So either minimize fruits or have them in moderation. You can get most of the nutrition that fruits offer from vegetables.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Losing and maintaining weight with Low Carb Vegetarian Diet

Since July 2016, I've consistently lost and 35 lbs and am on my way to losing more over the next few months. Here's my chart showing weight loss progress. I stopped writing down in October and hence the flat line. I just restarted writing down again. My goal once again is to share my experience and help others who may benefit from my advice on how to lose weight but more importantly maintain a new lower weight. Over the next several blogs I'll talk about my previous experience with weight loss, my diet etc. -Navneet

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

How to Install Ruby 1.8.7, Rubygems 1.5.3 and Rails 2.3.12, Mysql 5.5, Apache 2.2 on OS X 10.9 Mavericks

I'd OS X 10.7.5 and wanted to setup development environment for an existing RoR app.

Here's what I did:
1.Upgrade to OS X 10.9 Mavericks (Free Upgrade)
4. install rvm : sudo curl -sSL | bash -s stable
5. install ruby (there was an existing ruby 2.0.x I needed to go back to an older version) sudo rvm install 1.8.7
6. make the new ruby system wide: rvm use system ruby-1.8.7-p374
7. make sure ruby is new version: ruby -v 
8. install gem 1.5.3: sudo gem install -v 1.5.3 rubygems-update
9. update gem system-wide : sudo gem update --system 1.5.3
10. install rails: sudo gem install rails -v=2.3.12
11. install mysql:
sudo port install mysql55
sudo port install mysql55-server
sudo -u _mysql /opt/local/lib/mysql55/bin/mysql_install_db
sudo /opt/local/share/mysql55/support-files/mysql.server start
/opt/local/lib/mysql55/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'password'
sudo port load mysql55-server 
sudo gem install mysql2
sudo gem install ruby-mysql
12.Remove Bundler
rvm @global
gem uninstall bundler
13. Create my.cnf in /etc directory with following:
14. Update config/database/yml inside the rails app and added socket path to match the location of mysql.sock
socket: /private/var/mysql/mysql.sock
15. Created the database
/opt/local/lib/mysql55/bin/mysqladmin -u root create <dbname> -p
16. rake db:migrate
17. Installed a bunch of gems and satisfied their dependencies
18. ruby script/server -p 8000
19 Apache: 
sudo port install apache2
sudo port load apache2

Voila. It works!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Top 10 Learnings as an entrepreneur from

In the next 10 posts, I'm going to write about things I believe I've learnt over the last few months while working on  I'm mostly going to write about product management and marketing strategies, tactics and tools.  My primary intention is to document my learnings for myself  as well as to share them with other entrepreneurs / professionals who may find it useful.
Here are the topics I'm going to talk about:
1. Picking the market to go after or the problem to solve.
2. Sizing the market.
3. Testing your product idea without writing a line of code.
4. Early launch with a minimum viable product
5. Constant usability testing
6. Getting real customer feedback.
7. Making customer service an important sales tool
8. Defining the target customer very specifically and narrowly.
9. Picking Marketing channels and tools.
10. Understanding the competitive landscape and its impact on overall strategy.


Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Weight Loss Chart & Projections

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Day on a Low Carb Diet

Today is Saturday Jan 29, 2011. I got up really early around 5:00 AM because I'd lots of things related to my work in my mind. After using the restroom and I weighed myself. I weighed 189.1 pounds.
Within about 30 minutes I had two glasses of water.

At 7 AM, I had 4 Blackberries followed by 1 large cup of Indian tea made with no sugar and a little bit of 2% milk.

At 9AM, I had a glass of water followed by 2 egg omlette (removed one egg's yolk to limit cholestrol) with several vegetables-onions, spinach,tomato, mushroom, bell pepper.

At 10:30, I had 1 herbal green tea, no sugar, no milk.

At 12:00, I had 1 glass of water and followed by 10 strawberries, 10 blackberries and several blueberries. I felt full after that.

At 1:40PM, I had a plate full of green salad with caesar dressing and 1 bowl of bell pepper , paneer sabji. I think I overate because I felt stuffed.

At 3:00PM, I had another glass of water.

At 5:00PM, I had a cookie (satisfies my craving of sweet) and a cup of tea

I'll update the blog later tonight as well.

Fruits and Vegetables for Low Carb Diet.

So this post is going to be about list of low carb diet options. Here's a spreadsheet which lists carbs in fruits and vegetables.

Fruits Carbs(gm) in 50 gm portion
Watermelon 4
StrawBerry 4
Cantaloupe 4
Avocado 4
Honeydew Melon 5
Peach 5
Blackberry 5
Grapefruit 5
Oranges 5
Papaya 5
Nectarine 6
Clementine 6
Plums 6
Raspberry 6
Pineapple 6
Blueberry 7
Apples with Skin 7
Pear 7
Kiwi Fruit 8
Tangerine 8
Cherries 8
Mango 8
Persimmon 9
Banana 12
Grapes 13

Vegetables Carbs(gm) in 50 gm portion:
Arugula 1
Cucumber 1
Brocolli Raab 1
Lettuce 2
Celery 2
White Mushroom 2
Radish 2
Turnip 2
Lettuce (cos or romaine) 2
Asparagus 2
Green, Sweet or bell pepper 2
Okra 2
Cauliflower 3
Yellow sweet or bell pepper 3
Cabbage 3
Red Sweet or Bell Pepper 3
Brocolli 4
Spinach 4
Beets 4
Green snap or string beans 4
Carrot 5
Kale 5
Snow or Sugar snap peas 5
Onions 7
Sweet Corn 10

Ofcourse there might be many more options. Please feel free to add your suggestions. I'll add a couple more sheets of data shortly which lists Indian Vegetarian Dishes with their carb counts.

Next post is going to be a snapshot of my day today.

Weight Loss Chart & Projections

Diet Plan for Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) for Vegetarians

Here's my current diet plan that I've been following more or less since July 2016. Morning: Tea - Chamomile/ Jasmine/ Indian Masa...